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Introducing Psycare

If you want to experience an incredibly interesting and different journey to mind and body healing - Psycare is your place!


With our unique Asian cultural methods catered to your needs at one place, we aim to bring relief from ADHD symptoms without investing in therapy or medicines


Note: This app is not an alternative for any medical diagnosis, treatment or medication. It is meant to focus on recreational purposes of healing the mind and soul.

Our Vision

As students, we realize anxiety, stress, procrastination and restlessness play a huge role in hampering the quality of life of an adult. Our research also shows that neurodevelopmental disorders such as ADHD which accounts for all these symptoms go largely undiagnosed or untreated because of several reasons. Therefore, our vision is to bring a different outlook to people that shifts the narrative of dealing with these symptoms in daily life without a lot of struggle.

If not life, Psycare will definitely make your day better!


Introducing Key Features

Our app is designed to provide a wholesome and relaxing experience to our users with regard to improving their mental health. These main features put forward our vision to achieve the experience we promise!

Image by Rajat Verma

Asian Cultures

We bring various interesting insights from Indian, Japanese, Chinese and Buddhist cultures to heal mind, body and soul

Nature Walk

Stress Busters

Healthy distraction is always a great way to take a break and come back stronger - that's what our stress busting activities intend to do!

Rock Climber

Achievement Tracking

Keeping track of progress is always a motivation to move forward towards the goal 

White Headphones

Accessibility Modes

Several accessibility modes for adjusting wallpapers, white noise and ADHD friendly content serves all!


Our Team

We are undergraduate students from University of Washington in the Information School.

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